- 1971
- Born in Mashiko City, Tochigi Pref., Japan
- 1997
- Graduated Tokyo Univ. of the Arts, Department of Painting, Majoring in Oil Painting
Graduation thesis painting winsToride City Mayor's Award & bought by Toride City, Chiba, Japan
Scholarship from Takahashi Art Fellowship
- 1999
- MFA in Painting from Tokyo Univ. of the Arts
Thesis painting bought by Teikyo Univ.
- 2004
- Overseas support program to Florence, Italy granted by the Japanese Agency for Cultural Affairs
- 2023
- 2022
- 2021
- 2020
- 2019
- 2018
- 2017
- 2016
- 2015
- 2014
- 2013
- Tenmaya Art Gallery, Fukuyama, Japan
Galerie Nichido Ginza, Tokyo, Japan
- 2012
- Art fair at Keihan Department Store, Osaka, Japan
Tokiha Dept. Store, Oita, Japan
Galerie Nichido, Paris, France
- 2011
- Hanshin Dept. Store, Osaka, Japan
Tenmaya Hotel Art Fair, Fukuyama, Japan
Galerie Nichido, Paris, France
Galerie Nichido Ginza, Tokyo, Japan
- 2010
- Art fair at Keihan Dept. Store, Osaka, Japan
Fukuya Dept. Store, Hiroshima, Japan7
Hamaya Dept. Store, Nagasaki, Japan
Galerie Nichido, Fukuoka, Japan
- 2009
- Art Fair Tokyo (Galerie Nichido Booth)
Galerie Nichido, Tokyo, Japan
- 2008
- Galerie Nichido Tokyo & Fukuoka, Japan
- 2006
- Shinseido Aoyama, Tokyo, Japan
- 2005
- Contempora Studio, Florence, Italy
- 2001
- AzabuArt Sensation, Tokyo, Japan
- 2000
- AzabuArt Sensation, Tokyo, Japan
- 2021
- 2020
- 2019
- 2018
- 2015
- 2014
- 2013
- "Galerie Nichido Oil Painting Selection" exhibition at Keikyu Dept. Store, Kamiooka, Yokohama, Japan
"Sanbikai" at Iwataya Mitsukoshi Fine Arts Gallery, Fukuoka, Japan
"Tenseikai" exhibition at Tenmaya Dept. Store, Okayama, Japan
"Natsu no Kai" exhibition at Galarie Nichido, Ginza, Tokyo, Japan
Art Taipei at the World Trade Center, Taipei, Taiwan + others
- 2012
- "Tenseikai" exhibition at Tenmaya Dept. Store, Okayama, Japan
Nikei Fine Art, Singapore
Art Taipei, Taiwan
- 2011
- "Tenseikai" exhibition at Tenmaya Dept. Store, Okayama, Japan + others
Art Taipei, Taiwan
- 2010
- "Tenseikai" exhibition at Tenmaya Dept. Store, Okayama, Japan
- 2007
- DOMANI: Art of Tomorrow Exhibition at Seiji Togo Memorial Sompo Japan Museum of Art, Tokyo, Japan
- 2005
- 2 artist group exhibition by HARU and RYO at Galleria gli Specchi Roccad'arce, Italy
- 2004
- "Kaze No Kai" exhibition at Setsuryosha Museum of Art, Nigata, Japan
Kaze No Kai exhibition in Recanati, Italy
Showakai Exhibition at Galerie Nichido Ginza, Tokyo, Japan
- 2003
- Tokyo Wonder Wall Exhibition at the Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo
Art exhibition at the Hachioji City Dream Art Museum
- 2001
- 3 artist group exhibition at Utsugi Gallery, Tokyo, Japan w/Makoto Ogiso and Takayuki Tsuji
5 artist group exhibition at AzabuArt Sensation, Tokyo, Japan
- 2007
- Special Award at the 20th Mihama Fine Arts Exhibition
- 2003
- Outstanding Performance Award at The 21st Izu Art Festival Izubi Exhibition
30 day Training Session Granted by Setsuryosha Museum of Art
Shinsei Award at The 7th Shinsei Exhibition (Shinseido)
Outstanding Performance Award at The 20th Fukui Sam Hall Fine Arts Exhibition
- 2004
- Outstanding Performance Award at The 39th Showakai Exhibition, Galarie Nichido, Tokyo, Japan
- 2002
- Special Award at The 4th Setsuryosha Firenze Prize Exhibition (Setsuryosha Museum of Art, Nigata, Japan)